Death is an inevitable part of life that everyone faces at some point. Although the end of life should be accepted as a natural process, today we live in a society that chooses to ignore the topic of death and conversations with loved ones about what kind of farewell we would like and what kind of burial is most appropriate. Psychologists observe that modern people’s refusal to talk about death is closely related to the desire to choose an easier way – many tend to close their eyes to things they are afraid of.
Psychologists believe that although death is not the most common topic of conversation, it should not be considered a taboo, because talking about leaving this world is not a bad sign, on the contrary, it is a useful and necessary practice.
There are various reasons why talking about death is beneficial. Above all, it brings people together. Sharing your fears with each other makes them easier to accept and overcome. Second, people are becoming more aware of the ephemerality of this life, which encourages them to tell their loved ones what they often forget: that they are loved, valued, and cherish the relationships they have. Such conversations encourage a person to reflect on his attitude towards death. For many, the thought of leaving becomes a source of inspiration to live a better life.
If the loved ones know the exact wishes of the deceased, it is easier to take care of organizing the farewell ceremony. Sometimes it helps to avoid conflicts between relatives themselves, when relatives have different ideas about how the funeral should take place. In addition, it is very important that knowing the expressed will of the deceased gives the relatives a sense of meaning: according to the direct wishes of the deceased, for example, that only happy music that he loved all his life should be played. Burial in the bosom of the earth is chosen, or that the ashes are scattered on the land of his beloved after cremation, relatives feel after saying goodbye to the deceased properly – honestly fulfilling the wishes of the loved one. In this way, it is easier for loved ones to come to terms with the loss, knowing that everything was done right.
Ethnologists believe that the reluctance to talk about death and to think about one’s funeral in advance is connected with the funeral rituals of white tribes, when the men of the tribe were accompanied by two feelings at the grave: they mourned the deceased, lamented, but at the same time felt a superstitious fear of the deceased. The grave was understood in myths – it was considered the border between the world of the living and the dead. In Latvia, as in other countries, burial traditions changed depending on the prevailing religion, but all deeply religious people still perceive death as a transition to eternal life in the afterlife. All world religions recognize the life of the soul in the body. The only regret is separation from loved ones.
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