A farewell hall is a space intended for bidding farewell to the deceased. In this hall, farewells are practiced both with officiants and clergy members.
Comprehensive farewell halls are equipped with multimedia systems, enabling the use of video recordings and memorial photographs.
A farewell hall is a space intended for bidding farewell to the deceased. In this hall, farewells are practiced both with officiants and clergy members.
Comprehensive farewell halls are equipped with multimedia systems, enabling the use of video recordings and memorial photographs.
Leave your contact details and the address where the deceased is located. The staff of the funeral and cremation service “ATVADAS” will contact you in a few minutes
Urgent Service Form
Atstājiet savus kontaktdatus un adresi, kur atrodas mirušais. Apbedīšanas un kremācijas “ATVADAS” darbinieki sazināsies ar Jums dažu minūšu laikā.
Steidzama pakalpojuma forma