Information with order details will be sent by e-mail, please contact for more details to us, or by calling +371 20692069
Receiving the product at our office –
Tearualietuve street 3, Riga, LV-1026
Mon – Fri. 9:00 – 17:00
Sat. 9:00-14:00
Sunday – Closed.
Leave your contact details and the address where the deceased is located. The staff of the funeral and cremation service “ATVADAS” will contact you in a few minutes
Urgent Service Form
Atstājiet savus kontaktdatus un adresi, kur atrodas mirušais. Apbedīšanas un kremācijas “ATVADAS” darbinieki sazināsies ar Jums dažu minūšu laikā.
Steidzama pakalpojuma forma