The Burial and Cremation Center "ATVADAS" has been providing burial services since 1993.

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1. In a situation where a loved one has been lost, immediately notify the emergency services 112.

2. Contact us at the Burial and Cremation Center "ATVADAS", we will take care of transportation.

3. Contact your family doctor or the hospital department doctor to obtain a death certificate.

Burial policies application form.

Burial policies application form.

Burial policies application form.

Burial policies application form.

Burial policies application form.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.

What to do when a loved one has passed away?

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1. In a situation where a loved one has been lost, immediately notify the emergency services 112.

2. Contact us at the Burial and Cremation Center "ATVADAS", we will take care of transportation.

3. Contact your family doctor or the hospital department doctor to obtain a death certificate.


Baiba Stūrite

2021. gada vasarā es atradu sava vecvectēva māsas un viņas meitiņas pamesto kapvietu Raiņa kapos, kuru diemžēl neviens nebija kopis 33 gadus. Tā kā es neesmu speciālists kapu apzaļumošanas jautājumos, iegāju turpat blakus pie kapiem esošajā apbēdīšanas un kapu uzkopšanas birojā “Atvadas”. Pēc īsas sarunas ar šīs vietas darbinieci Ainu Bokāni man bija skaidrs, ka esmu atnākusi pareizajā vietā un varu uzticēt pamestās kapvietas savešanu kārtībā profesionāļiem.

Rezultāts nav vārdiem aprakstāms! No tumšas un aizaugušas kapvietas tā pārvērtās par ekskluzīvu atdusas vietu manām radiniecēm un vienu no skaistākajām un gaišajām kapvietām Raiņa kapos. Izsaku pateicību par ieguldīto darbu, atdevi un atbildīgo pieeju darbam. Lai jums daudz pateicīgu klientu un miers sirdī!

Ar cieņu,
Baiba Stūrīte

Inese Borka

Sirsnīga pateicība “ATVADAS” darbiniecei Ainai par profesionālu pieeju apbedīšanas nozarē.

Vērsos pirmā sakarā ar māmiņas Valentīnas Borkas aiziešanu mūžībā. Ar Ainas kundzi mēs vienojāmies par visiem pirkumiem un pakalpojumiem. Bēru dienā luterāņu mācītājs Arnis Bušs un “ATVADU” darbinieki bija pretīmnākoši un atbalstoši.

Vislielākā pateicība par profesionālu bēru norisi un atteiksmi pret klientu. Viss noritēja gludi, bez aizķeršanās visu 3 dienu sadarbības laikā.


Māra Ruva

Kad pirms 7 gadiem glabājām tēti, mamma jau izmantoja Jūsu aģentūru. Tāpēc, kad tagad mūžībā pavadījām mammīti, citu biroju nemeklējām. Paldies Ainai Bokānei par mieru, pretimnākšanu, ieteikumiem. Paldies, ka bija iespējams bez uztraukumiem atrisināt sarežģītu loģistikas operāciju starp Ventspils slimnīcu un Rīgas Jaunciema kapsētu. Vēlos izteikt pateicību arī izvadītājai Dzidrai Briedei. Šajā pandēmijas laikā uztvert to īpašo, ko vēlējāmies pateikt par mammīti attālinātā telefonsarunā – tas tiešām ir profesionāli. Tandēmā ar saksofonistu izvadīšanas ceremonija bija ļoti izjusta.

Vēlreiz – paldies par visu!
Ar cieņu, Māra Ruva



If the death occurred at home, you need to contact the family doctor to obtain a death certificate. After that, contact the funeral agency at the phone number 8388 or 20692069 (00-24) for transportation of the deceased to the morgue.
Within approximately an hour, specially equipped vehicle transportation will arrive to transfer the deceased to the agency's morgue. The agency's morgue is located in the new building at Tēraudlietuves iela 3, Riga.

If a relative dies in the hospital, their body is immediately taken to the hospital's morgue. Relatives must go to the attending physician or department head to obtain a doctor's certificate of death. In practice, relatives also agree with the doctor on performing an autopsy. There are cases when an autopsy is mandatory. In other cases, if relatives do not want an autopsy, they can agree that no autopsy will be performed. In this case, a request must be written stating that they ask for no autopsy, the cause of death is clear, and there are no complaints about the treatment.
The opposite situation is also possible - relatives are dissatisfied with the treatment and request an autopsy.

In Riga, there are two open cemeteries - Jaunciems and Bolderāja cemeteries. In these cemeteries, grave plots are allocated free of charge for Riga residents. Other cemeteries in Riga are partially closed, where burials take place in family grave plots, or completely closed, where burials no longer take place.
There is no charge for burying relatives in available spaces in existing family grave plots. In cases where the deceased has the right to be buried in a partially closed cemetery in a family grave plot, but it is already full and no further burials can take place, the director of the Riga City Council Housing and Environment Department can decide on granting new grave plot rental rights.

In each municipality, the period of time when head burial may be performed may differ and is regulated by the binding regulations of each municipality. In the cemeteries of Riga Municipality, head burial may be carried out after 20 years. In certain cases, with the permission of the Health Inspectorate, the term may be shorter. One burial is allowed. When performing surface burials, the depth of the grave must be no less than 1.2 m to the coffin lid.

The time period for when an additional burial can take place may differ in each municipality and is regulated by the binding regulations of each municipality. In Riga municipal cemeteries, an additional burial can be performed after 20 years. In some cases, with the permission of the Health Inspectorate, the term may be shorter. One additional burial is allowed. When performing additional burials, the depth of the grave must be at least 1.2 m to the lid of the coffin.
This term does not apply to burials if an urn is to be buried - the burial site for an urn is smaller and can be no less than 1 meter deep.


Leave your contact details and the address where the deceased is located. The staff of the funeral and cremation service “ATVADAS” will contact you in a few minutes


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Atstājiet savus kontaktdatus un adresi, kur atrodas mirušais. Apbedīšanas un kremācijas “ATVADAS” darbinieki sazināsies ar Jums dažu minūšu laikā.

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